Nepal is an agricultural country. More than Eighty one percent of the total population of the Nepal depends on agricultural for sustenance. Agricuture provides us fresh food. It is an important sources of natural income. Mostly industries of Nepal has based on agriculture. Physically Nepal has three divisions. Himalays, Hills and Terai. Due to difference type of sole, climate and rainfall agricultural produces various from regain to region. There are two kinds of crops in Nepal. Food crops and cush crops. Food crops are the crops which are use for food. e.g. paddy, maize, wheat, barly, millect etc. are the food crops. Cash crops are those crops which we grow for sale to make money. eg. sugarcane, jute, tobacco, oilseeds, potato, tea, coffee, cotton etc. are the cash crops which improve our national income.
The development of agriculture uplift the life standard of people. In Nepal agriculture has provided job for the most of the Nepales. It helps the Nepales to earn a money and improve their livelihood. Agriculture provides the raw materials for industry. So agriculture is a foundamental factors of industry.
But Nepal faced different types of problems reference of the agriculture development. The most serious and complex lopment. The most serious and complex problem is that almost Nepales farmers are unducated and have not resorted. There to modern method of farming. There is no new kind of manure and soil improvement. technical. They use the ancient plough and oxen to plough their field. New and improved seeds are available but our farmers are anaware of such development. So they using the old type of seeds and methods. The irrigational facilities also are poor so the crops fail. When there is a lack of rainfall. Development of facility for irrigation, better seeds, fertilizer, agricultural loan, increase in transport facility are very much significance for the development of agriculture.
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